Heute fing auch hier die Schule wieder an fuer die Kinder.Alle waren nervoes und waren sich einig sie wuerden lieber in Canandaigua gehen.
Anika und Tobias kamen dann aber relativ beruhigt heim.Bei Carina wird es sich zeigen, doch sie freut sich Bianca dabei zu haben.
School started here for the kids today and everyone was kind of nervoes and agreed they would rather go back in Canandaigua again.Anika and Tobias came home relieved that is wasn't too bad though.We'll see about Carina but she is happy to have Bianca with her.
I hope everything went well.
HI Anika, standing at your old bus stop!! I am glad it went well.
Your road looks nice.
Pretty soon it will probably seem to Anika and Carina like they never left their schools for most of a year. Your driveway looks so nice with the stone wall alongside it.
it was really weird, but it was okay i guess...
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