Heute hat Anika in der Schule ihr Projekt vortragen muessen...sie portraitierte ein roemisches Kind zum Thema " altes Rom" .Ich war heute ausnahmsweise mal daheim, denn das Haus muss auch mal geputzt werden ab und an, und fuhr in die Schule um bei ihrem Vortrag dabeizusein.Sie hat es gut gemacht! Anika had a project in school called " ancient rome" where she was to portray a roman child.Since I was home for a change, cleaning the house , I went to school in between and listened in while it was her turn to show off what she learned. She did well!
Toll! Congratulations!
Schön! Auch toll dass du dabei sein konntest!
Thanks for popping by my blog and I am glad that you think it is funny (we all need a giggle now and again!)
I read your profile and am so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband, that is so sad and my thoughts are with you for your future.
What lovely kids you have and I too like nothing better than a walk with my dog to clear my mind.
Have a good week my friend!
Anika really looked like a roman girl! Great idea!
I think she grew since I saw her last!
She looks like she is doing well. You are still all in my prayers!
Toll! Anika sieht super aus als Roemer!
I forgot to say that every year we have students staying with us and every one of the German girls each year has been as funny and mad as us English!
In June we have three Italian boys and one German girl staying at the same time!! (that should be fun!)
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