Monday, June 11, 2007


Carina hat sich in der letzten Zeit auf unserem Pferd Dee in verschiedenen Shows angemeldet und hat sogar mehrere Preise gewonnen.Sie hat Potential sich noch zu verbessern und hat viel Spass and er Sache.Leider ist Dee nicht mehr die Juengste und ihre Beine machen ihr zu schaffen sodass sie nicht mehr gut springen kann. Carina took our horse Dee to several shows lately and made some ribbons even.She has potential to advance and has lots of fun doing so.Dee is older now though and her legs are not too good so she can't be jumped too often anymore.


Gemma said...

Good girls!

Gudl said...

Die Fotos sehen ja so toll aus!
Super-duper! Das ist ja schoen, dass Carina diesem Hobby nachgehen kann!
Das Pferd sieht schoen aus und Carini auch!

Heike said...

Vielleicht ist Carina ja dann auch mal beim Pfingstturnier in Wiesbaden zu finden ?!?

Anonymous said...

Goldiges Mädchen

Mellimaus said...

That's awesome!! Dee looks great over that jump in the first picture! Carina looks great, too. I'm glad she got over the sickness! She was a great horse....

Germanone93 said...

Check out some of the videos, that i put on my blog. Don't really know much about horses but the jumping looked ccool.

Anonymous said...

Super Fotos, tller Sprung, klasse carina, mach weiter so!!Ramona ist auch gut zu springen wenn du magst?!

Martin Stickland said...

Hey! This is a great place to learn German too! Thanks for putting it in to two different versions!

Nice horseys!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photographs. I enjoyed seeing them all.

Brookville Daily Photo

Dunja said...

Thanks all of you!!

Martin Stickland said...


Martin Stickland said...

Another good night!

Martin Stickland said...

My thoughts are with you.

Gudl said...

What a nice guy he is, this Martin!

Dunja said...

Yes, I have no time to update my blog...but hopefully tomorrow!!! Greetings to all!

Martin Stickland said...

I hope your in laws have had fun, it must be time to put your poor old feet up!

Dunja said...

They are here til July..