Tobias' Cousine und Cousin sind hier auf Besuch.Zum ersten Mal fuer die Kinder zusammen in USA.Sie spielen wie die Weltmeister und hecken staendig was Neues aus.Tobias lernt mehr Deutsch und die beiden anderen mehr Englisch.Aber die Verstaendigung ist kein Problem.
Tobias cousins are visiting from Germany.For the first time in USA together.They are playing constantly and are having a great time.They come up with new stuff all the time.Tobias German is improving and they are learning some English along the way as well.The communication is not a problem at all.
Very nice! I think it is great that he gets to see them.
Ach wie nett! Die Kinder sehen alle so goldig aus!
How nice. The children all look so cute!
Was ein suesses Foto!
Can someone translate this previous comment?
what a nice photo?
anyway tobis is getting so big!
very cute pics.
Die sind ja alle süß!!
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