Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Mein Helfer -My helper

Tobias ist immer der erste der helfen will wenn es um's Kochen geht. Hier schneidet er Erdbeeren in Stuecke fuer den Nachtisch. Dabei erzaehlt er mir von A bis Z alles was ihm grade einfaellt. Und die Erdbeeren essen ist noch schoener natuerlich! Tobias is always the first to volunteer when cooking is involved.Here he is cutting strawberries in pieces for desert. All the while he is talking about A t Z and what is popping into his head. And eating the strawberries is best of all!


Martin Stickland said...

Funny .. one of my boys is called Toby and he asked for strawberries for breakfast today but his older brother had eaten them all!

Gudl said...

What a good boy he is! I like his longer hair!

Dunja said...

Yes, but he needs a cut now...

Martin, is your boy Tobias or Toby for real?

Gemma said...

Fleissiger und goldiger Bub!!

Priscilla said...

Ah! A lover of good food and cooking like Dad!

I miss you!

Martin Stickland said...

I thought you would ask that and I almost wrote it down. His real name is EdwardJohnstephenDavidJamesArchibald Junior but we call hime Toby for short! No, his real name is just Toby but I do like Tobias

Anonymous said...

Wow I have to run out and go get strawberries. They look sooo good!! Tobias looks so much older since I last saw him! We miss you guys! Minab

Rachel said...

Yummy, strawberries! A very good food choice!

Dunja said...

You are all too nice!
LOL Martin about the name...

Anonymous said...

Tobias ist halt auch schon ein KOch, genau wie sein Dad!

Anonymous said...

In dem Alter gehen sie der Mama noch sehr gerne zur Hand gelle:-)Fleissiger und goldischer Bub,ganz der Papa